Monthly Archives: April 2017

5DOF leg test rig build and gamepad control

The hardware for the test rig has arrived, and the first leg has been set up!

The metal brackets are from Trossen Robotics and largely match the dimensions of their equivalent plastic parts from Robotis. Some parts do not have metal counterparts, so I used spare plastic parts from my Bioloid kit. I also ordered an ArbotiX-M controller (Arduino-based), which communicates with the PC via a spare SparkFun FT232RL I had. The test rig frame is made out of MakerBeam XL aluminium profiles.
Unfortunately, I thought I had more 3-pin cables than I actually did, so I can’t control all the motors just yet. However, I’ve got an Xbox One controller controlling the IK’s foot target position and a simple serial program on the ArbotiX-M which receives the resulting position commands for each motor.


The code for both the Python applet and the Arduino can be found on GitHub here.

Some of the more useful snippets of code are shown below:

The following code handles gamepad inputs and converts them to a natural-feeling movement, based on equations of motion. The gamepad input gets converted into a virtual force, which is opposed by a drag proportional to the current velocity. The angles resulting from the IK are sent to the controller via serial port:

class GamepadHandler(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, master):
        self.master = master
        # Threading vars
        self.daemon = True  # OK for main to exit even if instance is still running
        self.paused = False
        self.triggerPolling = True
        self.cond = threading.Condition()
        # Input vars
        devices = DeviceManager() = targetHome[:]
        self.speed = [0, 0, 0]
        self.inputLJSX = 0
        self.inputLJSY = 0
        self.inputRJSX = 0
        self.inputRJSY = 0
        self.inputLJSXNormed = 0
        self.inputLJSYNormed = 0
        self.inputRJSXNormed = 0
        self.inputRJSYNormed = 0
        self.dt = 0.005

    def run(self):
        while 1:
            with self.cond:
                if self.paused:
                    self.cond.wait()  # Block until notified
                    self.triggerPolling = True
                    if self.triggerPolling:
                        self.triggerPolling = False
            # Get joystick input
                events = get_gamepad()
                for event in events:

    def pause(self):
        with self.cond:
            self.paused = True

    def resume(self):
        with self.cond:
            self.paused = False
            self.cond.notify()  # Unblock self if waiting

    def processEvent(self, event):
        #print(event.ev_type, event.code, event.state)
        if event.code == 'ABS_X':
            self.inputLJSX = event.state
        elif event.code == 'ABS_Y':
            self.inputLJSY = event.state
        elif event.code == 'ABS_RX':
            self.inputRJSX = event.state
        elif event.code == 'ABS_RY':
            self.inputRJSY = event.state

    def pollInputs(self):
        # World X
        self.inputLJSYNormed = self.filterInput(-self.inputLJSY)[0], self.speed[0] = self.updateMotion(self.inputLJSYNormed,[0], self.speed[0])
        # World Y
        self.inputLJSXNormed = self.filterInput(-self.inputLJSX)[1], self.speed[1] = self.updateMotion(self.inputLJSXNormed,[1], self.speed[1])
        # World Z
        self.inputRJSYNormed = self.filterInput(-self.inputRJSY)[2], self.speed[2] = self.updateMotion(self.inputRJSYNormed,[2], self.speed[2])
        with self.cond:
            if not self.paused:
                self.master.after(int(self.dt*1000), self.pollInputs)

    def pollIK(self):
        global target
        target =[:]
        with self.cond:
            if not self.paused:
                self.master.after(int(self.dt*1000), self.pollIK)

    def pollSerial(self):
        if 'ser' in globals():
            global ser
            global angles
            writeStr = ""
            for i in range(len(angles)):
                x = int( rescale(angles[i], -180.0, 180.0, 0, 1023) )
                writeStr += str(i+1) + "," + str(x)
                if i  3277) or (i  3277:
                oldMax = 32767
            elif i < -3277:
                oldMax = 32768
            inputNormed = math.copysign(1.0, abs(i)) * rescale(i, 0, oldMax, 0, 1.0)
            inputNormed = 0
        return inputNormed

    def updateMotion(self, i, target, speed):
        c1 = 10000.0
        c2 = 10.0
        mu = 1.0
        m = 1.0
        u0 = speed
        F = c1*i - c2*u0  # Force minus linear drag
        a = F/m
        t = self.dt
        x0 = target
        # Equations of motion
        u = u0 + a*t
        x = x0 + u0*t + 0.5*a*pow(t, 2)
        # Update self
        target = x
        speed = u
        return target, speed

def rescale(old, oldMin, oldMax, newMin, newMax):
    oldRange = (oldMax - oldMin)
    newRange = (newMax - newMin)
    return (old - oldMin) * newRange / oldRange + newMin

The following Python code is the leg’s Forward Kinematics (click to expand):

def runFK(angles):
    global a
    global footOffset
    global T_1_in_W
    global T_2_in_W
    global T_3_in_W
    global T_4_in_W
    global T_5_in_W
    global T_F_in_W

    a = [0, 0, 29.05, 76.919, 72.96, 45.032]  # Link lengths "a-1"

    footOffset = 33.596

    s = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    c = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    for i in range(1,6):
        s[i] = math.sin( math.radians(angles[i-1]) )
        c[i] = math.cos( math.radians(angles[i-1]) )

    # +90 around Y
    T_0_in_W = np.matrix( [ [  0,  0,  1,  0],
                            [  0,  1,  0,  0],
                            [ -1,  0,  0,  0],
                            [  0,  0,  0,  1] ] )

    T_1_in_0 = np.matrix( [ [ c[1], -s[1],  0, a[1]],
                            [ s[1],  c[1],  0,    0],
                            [    0,     0,  1,    0],
                            [    0,     0,  0,    1] ] )

    T_2_in_1 = np.matrix( [ [ c[2], -s[2],  0, a[2]],
                            [    0,     0, -1,    0],
                            [ s[2],  c[2],  0,    0],
                            [    0,     0,  0,    1] ] )

    T_3_in_2 = np.matrix( [ [ c[3], -s[3],  0, a[3]],
                            [ s[3],  c[3],  0,    0],
                            [    0,     0,  1,    0],
                            [    0,     0,  0,    1] ] )

    T_4_in_3 = np.matrix( [ [ c[4], -s[4],  0, a[4]],
                            [ s[4],  c[4],  0,    0],
                            [    0,     0,  1,    0],
                            [    0,     0,  0,    1] ] )

    T_5_in_4 = np.matrix( [ [ c[5], -s[5],  0, a[5]],
                            [    0,     0, -1,    0],
                            [-s[5], -c[5],  1,    0],
                            [    0,     0,  0,    1] ] )

    T_F_in_5 = np.matrix( [ [  1,  0,  0,  footOffset],
                            [  0,  1,  0,  0],
                            [  0,  0,  1,  0],
                            [  0,  0,  0,  1] ] )

    T_1_in_W = T_0_in_W * T_1_in_0
    T_2_in_W = T_1_in_W * T_2_in_1
    T_3_in_W = T_2_in_W * T_3_in_2
    T_4_in_W = T_3_in_W * T_4_in_3
    T_5_in_W = T_4_in_W * T_5_in_4
    T_F_in_W = T_5_in_W * T_F_in_5

The following Python code is the leg’s Inverse Kinematics (click to expand):

def runIK(target):
    # Solve Joint 1
    num = target[1]
    den = abs(target[2]) - footOffset
    a0Rads = math.atan2(num, den)
    angles[0] = math.degrees(a0Rads)

    # Lengths projected onto z-plane
    c0 = math.cos(a0Rads)
    a2p = a[2]*c0
    a3p = a[3]*c0
    a4p = a[4]*c0
    a5p = a[5]*c0

    j4Height = abs(target[2]) - a2p - a5p - footOffset

    j2j4DistSquared = math.pow(j4Height, 2) + math.pow(target[0], 2)
    j2j4Dist = math.sqrt(j2j4DistSquared)

    # # Solve Joint 2
    num = target[0]
    den = j4Height
    psi = math.degrees( math.atan2(num, den) )
    num = pow(a3p, 2) + j2j4DistSquared - pow(a4p, 2)
    den = 2.0*a3p*j2j4Dist
    if abs(num) <= abs(den):
        phi = math.degrees( math.acos(num/den) )
        angles[1] = - (phi - psi)

    # Solve Joint 3
    num = pow(a3p, 2) + pow(a4p, 2) - j2j4DistSquared
    den = 2.0*a3p*a4p
    if abs(num) <= abs(den):
        angles[2] = 180.0 - math.degrees( math.acos(num/den) )

    # # Solve Joint 4
    num = pow(a4p, 2) + j2j4DistSquared - pow(a3p, 2)
    den = 2.0*a4p*j2j4Dist
    if abs(num) <= abs(den):
        omega = math.degrees( math.acos(num/den) )
        angles[3] = - (psi + omega)

    # Solve Joint 5
    angles[4] = - angles[0]


The following Arduino code is the serial read code for the Arbotix-M (click to expand):


int numOfJoints = 5;

void setup()

void loop()

void serialEvent() {
  int id[numOfJoints];
  int pos[numOfJoints];
  while (Serial.available())
    for (int i = 0; i < numOfJoints; ++i)
      id[i] = Serial.parseInt();
      pos[i] = Serial.parseInt();
    if ( == '\n')
      for (int i = 0; i  0) && (0 <= pos[i]) && (pos[i] <= 1023 ) )
          SetPosition(id[i], pos[i]);

Quadbot Inverse Kinematics

Following from the previous post, the Inverse Kinematics (IK) have been calculated, just in time for the test rig hardware, which is arriving this week.

I found a geometrical solution to the IK by breaking the 3D problem down into two 2D problems:

Looking at the leg from the back/front, only joints 1 & 5 determine the offset along the world Y axis. The joints are equalised so that the foot is always facing perpendicular to the ground.

Looking at the leg sideways, the rest of the joints 2, 3 & 4 are calculated using mostly acos/atan2 functions. Note that the leg link lengths need to be projected onto the z-plane, which is why the a2p, a3p etc. notation is used.


Trigonometry based on front view.


Trigonometry based on side view.

The test program now has controls for positioning a target for the foot to follow, based on the IK. This was very helpful for testing and debugging. A test function was also added which simply moves the target in an elliptical motion for the foot to follow. It is a very simple way of making the leg walk, but could be used as the foundation for a simply four-legged walking gait.

Quadbot 17 Kinematics_003

Kinematics test program updated with target visual and sliders.


Test of IK using elliptical motion target which the foot (F) follows.

The next tasks are to build the physical test rig, learn how to use the Arbotix controller and port the IK code to Arduino.

The kinematics are written in Python/TKInter, and code can be found on GitHub.

The geometrical drawings were made using the browser-based GeoGebra app.